Saturday 25 August 2012


Sekali lagi rakyat Malaysia disajikan dengan pembohongan yang cuba dicipta oleh Guan Eng. Lakonan Guan Eng sebenarnya dapat dihidu oleh majoriti rakyat Malaysia. DAP adalah parti yang cukup bongkak dan sombong menindas orang Melayu Islam walaupun itu adalah PKR teman sezina mereka.

Kerakusan Guan Eng untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri makin ketara dari hari kesehari. Dengan sebab itu Guan Eng akan memastikan kerusi DAP melebihi kerusi PKR dan PAS.

Laporan NST: ‘Mansor appeases Lim over remarks‘ (25 Ogos 2012)

“Embattled Penang Deputy Chief Minister 1 Datuk Mansor Othman was forced to eat humble pie and reduced to reading from a prepared text as he tried to appease Lim Guan Eng over his ‘cocky and arrogant’ remarks against the chief minister.

“However, Mansor’s explanation was baffling at best as he wavered from outright denial of having uttered the words to then claiming that he may have said it, before going on to state that his ‘tokong’ (deity) remark against Lim had been taken out of context.”

NST melaporkan, “Mansor then went on to claim that words like ‘arrogant’ and “cocky’, and his reference to Lim as “tokong”, had been taken out of context.” (Maksudnya, Mansor ada mengaku dia menyebut kata-kata tersebut.)

Namun ketika sesi soal-jawab dengan pemberita, timbalan ketua menteri itu cuba mengelak daripada berterus-terang.

NST melapor:

“During the question-and-answer session, Mansor could not provide a straight answer when repeatedly asked whether he had indeed uttered the negative comments against Lim.

“He was seen fumbling when pressed for a definitive ‘yes or no’ about saying Lim was cocky and arrogant. “I don’t think I ever said that. I don’t think the CM is cocky and arrogant. I don’t know where those words came from. I only used the word ‘tokong’, and that was not done with ill intentions’.”
Tapak bina tokong
Mansor :- Gelaran ‘tokong’ untuk “sanjung” Guan Eng
Baiklah begitu. Kalau para blogger mula menggelarmya Kim Guan ‘Tokong’ Eng, itupun tanda kami menyanjungi dia.

Selangor Daily amat berharap rakyat Malaysia yang berbangsa Melayu Islam ini dapat membuka mata mereka seluasnya bahawa selama ini mereka hanya dipergunakan oleh Guan Eng untuk memecahbelahkan umat Melayu Islam bagi merealisasikan nafsu cita-cita politik serakah DAP.

Sumber : selangordailydotcom

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